ReCognition is now offering Pedagogical Collaboration as a learning opportunity for programs in a variety of formats with an emphasis on contemporary pedagogical practices in early childhood education.

Kathy Boelsma RECE, as Pedagogical Collaborator with ReCognition, is pleased to offer this new support for early learning programs. Kathy engages with groups of educators in individual programs to support pedagogical approaches that honour their interests and research as a team. Using pedagogical tools and modelling for staff how they can grow into their practice with facilitated conversations, studies of their own work and provocations with ideas, stories, examples, and hands on experiences, Kathy helps to build capacity within an organization. Educator engagement is a focus with hands on experiences that are meaningful and applicable to their daily work.

Kathy has supported educators for over eighteen years in the early years, and has provided pedagogical support to child care programs and organizations which include EarlyOn Centres, home child care, and groups of educators in the community.

See our current offerings guide here: Pedagogical Collaboration for 2019 and 2020

Pedagogical Leadership

Pedagogical consultation and facilitation on the image of the child and supporting educator’s curiosity and reflective practice with the EarlyOn staff and Resource Consultants from United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. July-September 2018

Facilitator of reflective sessions for early years educators through a variety of sessions such as Loose Parts, The Environment as the Third Teacher, Natural Materials in Environments, Outdoor Play, Schema Play, as well as many others.

Professional Collaborative Inquiries


Creativity Collaboration with EarlyOn uclg

“Any person who has a deep understanding of early learning and development may take on the role of the pedagogical leader. These individuals see themselves as partners, facilitators, observers and co-learners along side educators, children and families. Most importantly, pedagogical leaders challenge others to see themselves as researchers in the teaching and learning process. In turn, this practice builds a culture of reflective teaching that helps us to sort through the complexities of our work.”

Lorrie Baird and Anne Marie Coughlin, Pedagogical Leadership Essay in Think Feel Act Research Briefs

Since July 2018, I (Kathy) have been leading reflective learning dialogues with the staff of the Early On Centre with invitations to the staff from Developmental Services. We have considered different aspects of our view of the child along with our ability to reflect as educators. Pedagogical tools are used to support learning within the group as ways to build capacity. We are now in a four part series on Creativity and Artistic Expression: Thinking with Materials and Young Children with a designed learning space that includes experiences, reflective dialogues, meaning making for ourselves with provocations by others, and sharing our knowledge and questions.

Consulting sessions align with the Standards of Practice from the College of Early Childhood Educators and our pedagogical foundations from How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years

These pedagogical approaches are part of my practice with early childhood educators.

Incorporating reflective thinking and inquiry with protocols

building professional learning communities

creating time and space for dialogue

demonstrating parallel practice with educators

Kathy Boelsma is an inspirational speaker and is passionate about her journey as a Pedagogical Leader. She shares her resources with others to bring on deep learning discussions between other educators so they look at children through new lenses. She challenges others to look at their learning environments and apply different theiries and techniques that correspond with the documents mentioned but challenge past perceived beliefs.

Sally Ouellette, RECE Carleton Place Child Care