Pedagogical Leadership and Consulting

Pedagogical Leadership and Consulting Research and Practice

Research and Professional Learning

Pedagogical Leadership: Leading Reflective Practice. Lorrie Baird Carleton Place, ON February 2016

Working from Values and Visions Lorrie Baird  Kingston, ON Feb 2016

Facilitation Training Lorrie Baird Kingston, ON Feb 2016

Side by Side Mentoring Training with Documentation Lorrie Baird Napanee, ON Feb 2016

Pedagogical Leadership  Lorrie Baird and Anne Marie Coughlin, Haliburton, ON November 2015

Pedagogical Leadership: as a facilitator  Smiths Falls, ON June 2015

Leadership in Practice

Pedagogical consultation and facilitation on the image of the child and supporting educator’s curiosity and reflective practice with the EarlyOn staff and Resource Consultants from United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. July-September 2018

Pedagogical Consultant leading communities of practice at Carleton Place Child Care with 50 plus staff. Studying engaging materials, environments and values, with educators, supervisors and director. Developed plan for system change needed to move forward with pedagogues from How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years. January-August 2017

Facilitator of reflective sessions for early years educators through a variety of sessions such as Loose Parts, The Environment as the Third Teacher, Natural Materials in Environments, Outdoor Play, Schema Play, as well as many others.

Developing the skills of facilitation for the members of the Lanark Early Learning and Childcare Association to build capacity for reflective practice in their programs using article studies,  materials from the Ministry of Education and guiding dialogues among colleagues in an effective manner.

Co-facilitating the Child Care Mentor Project for How Does Learning Happen? Best Start Project Grant October 2015-December 2016 in Lanark County by  assisting in mentor facilitation, supporting project coordinator, and collaborating with directors and mentors to develop strategies to support reflective practice.

Facilitated environment transformation and pedagogy projects with three Ontario Early Years Centre sites in Perth, Smiths Falls and Lanark through mentoring and leadership with program facilitators.

“Any person who has a deep understanding of early learning and development may take on the role of the pedagogical leader. These individuals see themselves as partners, facilitators, observers and co-learners along side educators, children and families. Most importantly, pedagogical leaders challenge others to see themselves as researchers in the teaching and learning process. In turn, this practice builds a culture of reflective teaching that helps us to sort through the complexities of our work.”

Lorrie Baird and Anne Marie Coughlin, Pedagogical Leadership Essay in Think Feel Act Research Briefs

These pedagogical approaches are part of my practice with early childhood educators:

Incorporating Reflective Thinking and Inquiry with Protocols

Building Professional Learning Communities

Creating Time and Space for Dialogue

Demonstrating Parallel Practice with Educators

“Kathy inspired me, challenged me and encouraged a deeper understanding of the HDLH pedagogy. She was a wonderful mentor, and a knowledgeable leader who always took great initiative in her role as a consultant.  Kathy is a respected colleague in the field of RECE.  Thank you, Kathy for all your valuable insight and support”

Amy Neron, R.E.C.E , Montessori Certified CASA, 

Perth Children’s House Montessori School, Perth, ON