Outdoor Pedagogy

Research and Professional Learning

Rhthym of NAture the PINE mentoring project

pop up advcnture playgrounds

Outdoor Play Course

Rusty Keeler

CArp School

In Practice

Outdoor Play Session with Cindy

Teaching Practicuum Blueberry Creek Forest School

Fort and Den Building

Learning with:

Sally Cook

Kathy Boelsma is a dynamic and passionate educator.  She truly puts into practice the foundations of How Does Learning Happen? when she delivers workshops.  Kathy ensures that all participants feel comfortable and that they feel that their presence is valued.  She ensures that all participants have an opportunity to share experiences and to ask questions.  Kathy has a unique ability to ask deep and thought- provoking questions that encourage educators to examine their vision for the learning environments they are facilitating.  

Cindy Goodfellow, OCT, Lead Teacher, Brooke Valley School