The Process of Creativity and Learning: Dispositions of Children and Adults

This session has a focus on the processes of creativity and learning, along with the dispositions of adults and children, in supporting pedagogical approaches that are in alignment with HDLH in early childhood programs.

Understanding the four stages of creativity within ourselves and others, can help us to see the children’s thinking and creative processes, in an increasingly complex way. Our own skills and dispositions are in relationship with the children and families we work with.

An exploration of those dispositions acknowledges the capacities of children so we can see them as more than moving through stages of development and into how they support meaning making about their world.

How Does Learning Happen: Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years

This session is my exploration and research of these ideas with the children and adults I have worked with.

“In the early years, programs are most effective when the content of learning is focused on supporting the development of strategies, dispositions, and skills for lifelong learning through play and inquiry.” Pg. 15

“When educators take a purposefully curious approach to new experiences and ideas rather than acting as the expert, children are more likely to engage in creative problem solving and more complex play and inquiry.” Pg. 35